Brickdam Cathedral i Georgetown

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Georgetown, Guyana
Kontakter telefon: +592
Latitude: 6.8075208, Longitude: -58.1619874
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Kommentar 5

  • Sierra 117

    Sierra 117


    A very beautiful Cathedral

  • Carl Philadelphia

    Carl Philadelphia


    Mass Times at Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception :6 00am, 730am and 5:00PM Daily Mass 6:00am, 12:,00 pm and 5:00pm with the exception on Monday morning, Tuesday and Thursday afternoon there will be a service.

  • Crum-Ewing

    [email protected] Crum-Ewing


    I'm a cradle Catholic, was baptised there in 1952, and so was everything else. A few years ago I found out that my first-cousin is Rev. Montrose.

  • Sherry February

    Sherry February


    It's Very Beautiful And Blessed to be there

  • Bevaun Ragobeer

    Bevaun Ragobeer


    Very quiet place with beautiful architecture to behold. The Cathedral itself as a structure is made of concrete and it's very quiet and one can easily find it easy to sit and think. Not too long ago they opened the entire church for people to come in and sit, think and worship but now they have cordoned off a small area for this. Maybe they are seeking to be more security conscious. The architecture itself is quite a sight to behold and therefore you should visit here.

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