National Park i Georgetown

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Thomas Road, Georgetown, GY Guyana
Kontakter telefon: +592 227 2265
Latitude: 6.8213911, Longitude: -58.1515671
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Kommentar 5

  • Bevaun Ragobeer

    Bevaun Ragobeer


    Super place to come walk, jog, run and or exercise in the mornings or afternoons after work. It is usually safe to come when others are present and the experience is very pleasant. There is plenty of space for whatever recreational activity you might have in mind. There is a play ground for children and lawn tennis courts for those interested. The place could use some street lights for the evenings and kept weeded frequently.

  • carlos david mejia reyes

    carlos david mejia reyes


    Good for run, excersice. Nice place to visit with family and walk

  • Katheleena Codogan

    Katheleena Codogan


    It was adventurous the surrounding was amazing and there was lot of games around for the kids

  • Peter Panoramics

    Peter Panoramics


    An open space to catch a breeze and get away from the hustle n bustle of the city

  • Vernon Jaime

    Vernon Jaime


    Has a play area for the kids .......could sit and fish with the boys and take your own food else you can buy snacks at the Carifesta Avenue entrance! Coconut water fresh and cold available too. Lots of space to just may and be last with a book or to take pics!

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