Pegasus i Georgetown

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Georgetown, Guyana
Kontakter telefon: +592 225 2853
Latitude: 6.825119, Longitude: -58.161896
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Kommentar 5

  • Kerryn Permell

    Kerryn Permell


    Have some good food and right on the sea wall nice place for morning run

  • D B

    D B


    We visited on a Friday night when there was live band entertainment. This is obviously a very popular place with both locals and visitors alike, the live band were very good at raising the energy and performed songs that encouraged some fun participation and loosening up. Food at the poolside grill was very good and they have an nice array of cocktails available to get your evening flowing nicely. Done with a crowd of friends or an intimate other, you are sure to enjoy the energy of this place on a Friday night.

  • Shane Kapil Rampertab

    Shane Kapil Rampertab


    The entrance is lined with plants, but obscures the area outside the hotel. The lobby is very spacious, with sufficient seating, several shops, and an outdoor area surrounded by the outer walls of the hotel. There is a spacious conference room with all of the relevant facilities. There is also a moderately large pool coupled with a restaurant and bar.

  • Eslyn Troyer

    Eslyn Troyer


    Much nicer than I had anticipated. The food was very good

  • Manny Shulman

    Manny Shulman


    Shower water was luke warm at best, hotel central lobby was open air and had lots of mosquitoes. Room was nice, well air conditioned, clean. Breakfast was included but marginal quality : fruit was great, cheese was sweating, eggs undercooked but custom omelet available. Pool was very nice, very clean.

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