Sleepin International Hotel i Georgetown

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24 Brickdam, Stabroek, Georgetown, Guyana
Kontakter telefon: +592 227 3446
Latitude: 6.8079385, Longitude: -58.1630289
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Kommentar 5

  • Fruggoal MIL

    Fruggoal MIL


    Air Condition or fan rooms good for short status as process does add up.

  • Desiree Huggins

    Desiree Huggins


    Affordable rates and comfortable accommodation for most parts.

  • Kico Silva

    Kico Silva


    Great staff. Good location. Beauty salon for women only and massage room is acceptable, in both service is professional. Housekeepers are very friendly and help out in anything you need. Front desk is always ready to take care of your needs and requests. Breakfast is not bad but dont expect a buffet. Food quality is excellent. WiFi speed is ridiculously slow, under 2 Mbps. Not good connectivity for business people or guests trying to work while traveling.

  • Andy5G Studio

    Andy5G Studio


    I spent five nights here where I experienced superb service from the friendly and helpful staff. The food was well prepared and delicious. The room was a bit small, with no elevator access, spotty wireless connections and inconsistent hot and cold shower.

  • Kenneth Rattray

    Kenneth Rattray


    The view of this hotel is amazing, however, when I went to check in on the night of me arriving at the hotel, they said that our room was taken! Me and my family ended up staying in the lobby for an entire 2 hours, with my sick grandmother (who recently passed away) until they found us a room on the first floor, which was cramped.

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