Millenium Manor Hotel i Georgetown

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Guyana, Georgetown, 43 Hadfield Street
Kontakter telefon: +592 223 0541
Latitude: 6.8070115, Longitude: -58.1612197
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Kommentar 5

  • Ryan Vieira

    Ryan Vieira


    Nice place to be

  • Natasha Niles

    Natasha Niles


    That is the place you need to go it is the best place you can get what you looking for

  • Shontel Moriah

    Shontel Moriah


    Beautiful place nice rooms great breakfast friendly staff tht makes u feel at home best place to be

  • Chetwynd Osborne

    Chetwynd Osborne


    One of my really close friend (like a sister to me) was in the process of planning her wedding for December 2017. After long searches online and in Guyana I recommended Millenium Manor to her. She immediately went ahead and made contact since she fell in love with the decor and intimate atmosphere of this venue. However, a life changing emergency happened whereby her mother passed away. She had already made a down payment to secure the hall, but with this sort of emergency she had to postpone the wedding. Hence, she requested a refund of her down payment and this was denied. She even pleaded with management at Millenium Manor for a 50% refund if not all and they still denied such. With my friend being devastated by the lost of her mom the refund would have been a great help. Even though she didn't sign any agreement that prohibits a refund in case of an emergency, the avenue exist for her to take this incident to the courts. Since the refund possibility failed she didn't want to just lose her money, so she asked to have a small ceremony. Millenium Manor had the audacity to request more money for her to hold this ceremony. This clearly portray an inconsiderate management team and they lack basic business courtesy. I don't live with regrets but in this case I regret making such a recommendation to my friend. Everyone out there, if you are planning a wedding and looking for a venue please do not choose Millenium Manor. This company is unprofessional and lacks consideration. In my view they are just looking to exploit customers to generate monies to keep their business a float. CHOOSE ANOTHER VENUE FOR YOUR EVENT AND AVOID UNNECESSARY EXPERIENCE.

  • Amani Bagot

    Amani Bagot


    I was there and they have two good people there mark who was a manger and than there was wanda. There complimentary continental Breakfeast every day was bread. The owners are rude they don't change the sheet everyday, I had to sleep on bloddy sheet. wont ever go back to this place

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