Progressive Auto Rental i Georgetown

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Seaforth Street, Georgetown, GY Guyana
Kontakter telefon: +592 643 5122
Latitude: 6.815546, Longitude: -58.136455
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Kommentar 5

  • Savitri Balkaran

    Savitri Balkaran


    Excellent service provided by the owner Yogesh . You can call on him at any time . Definitely will be using this service whenever I visit Guyana

  • Shamar Younge

    Shamar Younge


    Great unbeatable deals, low deposit. Family business with very nice owners.

  • Brandon Barton

    Brandon Barton


    Friendly courteous service. Modern and clean cars. Very affordable rates. Airport pick up and drop off. Definitely worth repeating!

  • Onicka



    Great service. I rented a car while I was in Guyana from Progressive Auto Rental and I can't stop talking about the SERVICE. I definitely recommend this company and I'll be returning soon. Yougesh is awesome

  • Anthony Tahal

    Anthony Tahal


    Highly recommended for your car rental needs in Guyana. Staff was so helpful and professional, even from the first time we spoke via FB messenger they where so friendly and professional I knew this was the company I was going with they even arranged to pick me up at the airport and take me to there office in Georgetown to complete the paperwork. Fully stress free transaction from the time we first spoke When I was just making enquirers about the rental. Weather you need a short term or long term rental this should be your first and only option. The more you drive the more you save. Staff understans your needs and works with you. Worry free up to date car was offered to me 110% better than I expected. Thank you Yougesh

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