Starr Computer Inc. i Georgetown

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🕗 Åbningstider

59, Brickdam Street, Georgetown, GY Guyana
Kontakter telefon: +592 225 4846
Latitude: 6.806837, Longitude: -58.157638
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Kommentar 5

  • Kerri Smith

    Kerri Smith


    Excellent customer service and excellent prices.

  • Orin Edghill

    Orin Edghill


    Really helpful staff. Fantastic line IT equup.

  • Stacey Gordon

    Stacey Gordon


    Star Computers in my opinion is one of the best in Guyana with competitive and affordable prices. Not forgetting to mention the wide array of computers and electronics

  • iNf4MouS Pi3RRE

    iNf4MouS Pi3RRE


    For a high class electronic giant, the products are at a reasonable price, they staff are eager to make that sale and are helpful towards providing discounts when needed, they also keep customers informed when they product requested are in stock... 4 stars you... oh yea and the security is the most friendly and pleasant person, he is helpful and a chill person to have a conversation with...

  • Alexavier HCH EN

    Alexavier HCH EN


    Your products on the website contain no actual products that you sell. BRAVO

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Fogarty's Department Store

34-37 Water Street, Georgetown
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