The Aracari Resort i Vreed en Hoop

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Vreed en Hoop, Gujana
Kontakter telefon: +592 264 2947
Latitude: 6.7927012, Longitude: -58.1882769
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Kommentar 5

  • Christopher Singh

    Christopher Singh


    Pros Great price and location cons needs better lights around the building in night cause too dark but pros not far from the airport and well not far to go out and eat and drink but cons staff is not friendly and not helpfull very rude people work here and the manager has a attitude there isn't much of a food selection they keep place dirty and no room service you dont get the full acomadation

  • James R

    James R


    I just love this place. It was so homey to me. The place I stayed for the last five years was a lot like this. Very small room, the gated property, the little furniture, and on good days, around the pool it reminded of visitors day. The food wasn’t quite as good as the other place, but the line was shorter. Sure, there were bugs in the room, but sometimes that’s your only friend to talk to, you know what I mean. At least they had a never empty coke machine. The lady in the polka dot dress was always around he pool tellin good ones. Wish I was there now instead of back at the other place again.

  • Marks hadassah

    Marks hadassah


    Had an amazing time with my colleagues there looking for to going again, friendly staff, atmosphere music etc was just to our liking 😍😍😚🖒🖒🖒👣

  • Fruggoal MIL

    Fruggoal MIL


    It is more like a hostel with swimming pool, gym and spa. Bring your own soap, toiletries. Friendly staff. One can take a mini bus to go to Georgetown taxis are expensive.

  • Rennella Bourne

    Rennella Bourne


    This place is very disappointing. It is very rundown. The room is unconsciousable small. Coloured sheets on bed??? Which hotel does that. The sink hanging from the wall. Pipes without knobs. Bathroom curtain dirty and covered with rust to the bottom. Awful smell in the room. Two ac in a tiny room and still it is very hot. You are waking up to mosquitos bite. Breakfast horrible... till now I don't know if it was bake or pancakes they served. And who cuts a supposed to be pancake in half and serve it??? This is the worst place ever. A very disappointed guest who just wanted a good night to carry on with her business next day. The only good thing about this place was the staff.🖓🖓🖓🖓🖓🖓🖓

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