Regency Suites Hotel Hotel i Georgetown

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98, Hadfield Street, Georgetown, GY Guyana
Kontakter telefon: +592 225 4785
Latitude: 6.8071791, Longitude: -58.1630105
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Kommentar 5

  • Alice L Winston

    Alice L Winston


    They do no take credit cards from United States , the credit card machine that they use is very old so that your credit card that you use to charge the hotel bill will come back declined, the hotel is not even a 1 star hotel, I gave it a 1 because that was the lowest grade I can give to this hotel. Definitely do your homework do not choose this hotel you will be saddly disappointed!

  • Bevaun Ragobeer

    Bevaun Ragobeer


    Great place with a relaxing environment and a variety of delicious meals to enjoy. The location of the hotel is very central and it is an excellent venue for a conference, wedding and or event.

  • Luke Leverock

    Luke Leverock


    Nice service and is a Great Venue...we had a Great Time...started late but everything still went Perfectly..

  • ashonelle taitt

    ashonelle taitt


    The staff at the front desk are super friendly and helpful , they treat you like family

  • nick loss

    nick loss


    Staff is beyond helpful. They bend over backwards to help the guests. The facilities are reasonable for the area. The pool isn't suitable for swimming..too small, no diving board.. deep end ain't that deep and the water tasted kinda sour. The restaurant is lacking in selection and quality. There's no room service, and restaurant closes at 11pm. A/C is not avail in the common spaces/hallways.. but the rooms are cool as a breeze with their own a/c units. Our room came with a tv, cable, a safe and decent WiFi. Hot running water for the shower was great. each floor has a huge open air patio overlooking the front of the hotel. it's the staff that really redeems this place.

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